If you believe the predictions, our area is in for some snowy conditions this month and on into February, therefore we felt compelled to put together a list of 10 fun things to do when you have a snow day.
What’s there to love about a new construction home? More outlets, wireless internet (perfect for working from home), and improved security. Technology and increased safety make life so much easier in new homes today.
In this post, I shared my story of finally admitting that I was experiencing burnout after over 20 years in real estate, and how making just one small change of disconnecting from devices for an hour each day helped me start feeling like myself again. By prioritizing even short periods of self-care, I've been able to better serve my clients and take my business to a new level.
In this post, I shared my top tips for tackling the renovation of a smoker's house based on my experience as a real estate agent in Cabarrus County. From removing smelly furniture to treating walls and refurbishing floors, following these strategies can help transform a smoked-in home and successfully prepare it for sale.