Here’s what we’re covering each day:

Day 1: The Opportunity with Video
• Why Creating Video Content is one of the biggest opportunities to take advantage of as a REALTOR in 2022
• How top producers leverage video content to stay top of mind for clients and grow their business 
• How to authentically show up and give value to your community, even if you don’t feel comfortable on camera. 

Day 2: How to Overcome Limiting Beliefs and Post your First or Next Video
What content the market really wants to see and how to create a message that attracts your dream clients
• Why boring old home walkthrough videos turn away customers and can be costing you deals 
• Get Fearless! and post your first or next video content with an easy to follow framework.

Day 3: How to Leverage Video Content to Supercharge your Leads, Listings, and Referrals 
How to leverage video to position yourself as the real estate expert in your market and stand out from your competition
• What type of videos to create to nurture relationships and close more deals 
• Special Q&A session to answer any questions that you might have on creating video content.

“...if you’re not doing videos because you think you’re ugly, honey, you’d better get over it because your clients are going to see you in person anyway.”
~ Leigh Brown, Amazon Best Selling Author
The Seven Deadly Sins of Sales: and the Deceptively Simple Strategies to Solve them

Discover How to Confidently Create Video Content that Attracts More Leads, Listings, and Referrals

Live Starting on June 20th, 2022 | 2 PM ET