We’re excited to chat with Jennifer Staats in today’s episode as she guides us through the often-overlooked yet crucial realm of real estate systems. Regardless of whether you're a seasoned agent or a prospective property buyer, this conversation is sure to offer valuable insights for you!
Key takeaways to listen for
Resources mentioned in this episode
About Jennifer Staats
Jennifer is the owner and founder of Staats Solutions, running the operations of real estate, brokerages, and teams nationwide. She started as a real estate assistant 14 years ago, got her license in San Diego at the age of 20, and has been in the space since then.
Jennifer values every single person she works with and strives to give each client her full attention while guiding them through a smooth transaction. Her passion for real estate, coupled with her love of people, makes her the best agent in Colorado Springs for both buyers and sellers. Jennifer is happily married and enjoys the outdoors with her two daughters and animals.
Connect with Jennifer
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Plus, you’ll hear about a Big Fat Greek baptism story that’s so outrageous it’ll have you laughing out loud. So don’t miss Erin’s insights on why authenticity is the ultimate superpower.
Read MorePlus, hear a crazy story about his early Vegas investments that will make you rethink everything you know about the market!
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