5 Desirable Home Features for Today’s Buyers

August 18, 2020

Needless to say, the pandemic has changed our lives in more ways than one. And while times like these can induce panic, it is all the more reason for people to stay calm.

As highlighted in our previous post ‘To Panic or Not to Panic: Lessons from Downturn Times’, staying calm during these trying times will not only help you attend to your clients’ needs and enable you to focus but will also allow you to plan for the next steps and zoom in on taking action.

Speaking of taking action, here are five desirable home features that today’s buyers are looking for when scouting for their next property:

Parking Spaces

Whether you are selling off a simple unit located right in the heart of the city or in a quiet suburban district, parking spaces are incredibly important. If the place you are trying to sell doesn’t have a designated parking spot, The Balance claims that the best thing you can do is to negotiate with a neighbor to hopefully get a parking spot or be able to make your buyers aware of the nearest parking garage or rental spaces available. Stick to parking spaces that are within the vicinity of the property because if it’s more than five or six blocks away, it could cost you the sale.

Outdoor Spaces

With lockdown restrictions still in place and social distancing still very much practiced throughout the country, outside spaces are growing more and more important for buyers, and it is easy to see why. An article by the New York Times noted how outdoor spaces, including but not limited to gardens, backyards, porches and patios, can help friends and families reconnect safely since the risk goes down with fresh air and more space between people. To make outdoor spaces even more appealing, Fermob suggests getting colorful and stylish tables and chairs that are not only movable and easy to store but also add a whole new meaning to eating out.

Storage Space

In recent years, minimalist living that focuses on making homes as clutter-free as possible has been gaining popularity. While minimalism can be achieved through simplistic designs and open, light-filled spaces, it can also be attained with cleverly placed storage spaces. To make homes more enticing for buyers, take the time to research some storage solutions you can pitch to your clients. It would also be a good idea to help them spot areas within the house where they can place additional closets, shelves and even multifunctional furniture.

High-End Finishes

In 2020, Elle Decor explains how deep soaking tubs and freestanding showers are some high-end design trends that are becoming more popular. Brass finishes, integrated lighting, and hints of marble can catch a potential buyer’s eye. However, functionality should always go hand in hand with style. For instance, having a faulty water heating system installed can be a huge problem. To help solve this dilemma, HomeServe Living describes how combination boilers typically deliver the highest level of water pressure available while providing heating and hot water in a single unit. Because of this, installing a new boiler to replace the current heating system may be the best way to attract potential buyers. And it goes without saying, that a new energy-efficient boiler will look a lot more aesthetically pleasing than an old unit, not to mention saving the homebuyer money in the long run.

Smart Home Technology

With how advanced technology is nowadays, it’s no surprise that homebuyers are looking for homes that are equipped with the latest smart home technology. Forbes mentions that the main reason why these gadgets are sought after is because they can control energy costs, make communication with loved ones easy and, most importantly, secure homes through innovations that can be programmed and controlled remotely. Given this new reality, make sure to incorporate smart home tech into the houses you’re selling whenever possible.

Written exclusively for Leighbrown.com
by Sophie Fair

Photo credit: https://unsplash.com/